WHO: your scary dive bar lovin' little self
WHAT: The back bar at Ludi's (the former TURF CAFE)
WHEN: early evening… 2nd avenue scares me after about 7pm. Actually 2nd avenue always scares me.
WHERE: 200 Pike Street, Downtown
WHY: Because sometimes, you need to get really tanked really fast and go spend $140 at the downtown 'City Target' on a bunch of Mossimo brand wrap dresses.
HINT: This place is scary. Like, awesomely scary. And I can take a good dose of scary. I usually like scary. But this place is too much. Maybe don't jokingly ask for a vodka martini (dirty) with extra olives. You will just get a bunch of lukewarm liquid in an old chipped martini glass that you will then have to borrow your friend's straw to dig the back floaties out of.
I give it:

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