WHAT: day trip up to a part of Manhattan that doesn't look like Manhattan but it is, and it also has an old monastery and WOODS and some weird looking squirrels. AKA The Cloisters.
WHEN: make a day of it! Seriously you're gonna have to get up before noon for this one.
WHERE: Waaaay up north, in the middle of something called Fort Tryon Park, which is basically 60-some acres of almost untouched woods. Take the A train all the way up and get off at 190th. Walk through the park, follow the signs up the hill to the Monastery, and there you go. URBAN VENTURE.
WHY: Because you have no idea that something this gorgeous and secluded can exist in the insanely over-crowded metropolis. Nestled at the top of the hill in Fort Tryon Park, you have an actual old Monastery/castle situation, filled with Medieval art and artifacts, including some bomb unicorn tapestries which I badly want to own someday for my own mini castle when I get rich off blogging.
HINT: The Cloisters is owned by the Metropolitan Museum of Art, so everything is a 'suggested donation.' And since I'm currently saving up my blogging moneys for things like unicorn tapestries and maybe a nice Holy Grail type goblet/pimp cup, I feel like $5 is good enough for someone like me on a budget.
I give it:

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