WHO: your pierogi-lovin' self.
WHAT: Kasia's restaurant/cafe/80's-looking Polish diner.
WHEN: morning. afternoon. They seem to close around 4 or 5 every day, but I'm never sure.
WHERE: 146 Bedford Ave. Williamsburg.
WHY: Because you're sick of all the stupid, hipster boutique brunch spots that offer half an organic duck egg poached inside of an organic heirloom tomato with a strip of dried organic seaweed and a tiny drop of spicy-minty-chocolate sauce drizzled over an organic orange peel that is probably at some point on fire. For $28. Instead, grab a huge plate of pierogis for $7. Or a huge, meaty, non-organic breakfast for like $5. Ask about the soup of the day, its always something delicious. And the sandwiches... don't get me started. Anyways: Take your American Apparel hoodie and your vegan shoes to Kasia's and prepare to not be able to zip up your skinny jeans when you leave.
HINT: Kasia's now has a juicer. A JUICER. Tomato-carrot-kale juice is the new black, kids.
I give it:

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